I am not sure, earlier I used to think that I was complete on my own, that it would be better to know more about myself, to find myself if I am on my own.

I thought that people would get married to fill the deep void inside. And it can never be filled by things or a person. Only I, myself, can do that.

Additionally, I thought that marriage was one more bondage, an obstacle on the way to self-realization. Buddha very rightly said:

Attachment is the root cause of suffering

At least that’s the opinion I held at that time.

But then I thought I would miss certain beautiful experiences of life if I didn’t get married (sharing Life).

And maybe someone could help me on my quest and in return, I could do the same.

Just like I feel happy by sharing things or making someone happy, I thought maybe I would feel happy sharing my life too….but with someone special!

You do what you feel like
I do what I feel like
(without hurting each other’s sentiments, of course) and,
if we still feel like
liking each other
then we may have a match.

My senior said that marriage is so that men don’t go insane, women help keep men sane. I agree with him to some extent.

Then I finally uttered, ‘To hell with the BS, let’s get married!”

I knew that I wouldn’t do it in an instant. I will take my time to get to know that person deeply.

Then after getting married, I realized that marriage can turn out to be a heavenly experience or worse than hell depending upon the life partner. He/She could resurrect you from the dead or turn you into ashes.

And I think I am fortunate that the gamble of selecting a life partner through arrangement worked quite well for me (well, at least so far!).

What has been your experience so far? What are your thoughts on marriage? Let me know in the comments below.

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